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Training Course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

Course: Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

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Course: Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers


Construction, Civil Engineering & Asset Management Training Courses


Language English


Milan (Italy)


Hotel Meeting


One week 25Hour
2025-11-10 2025-11-14


5450 €
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Course Description

Construction is the largest industry in the world and anything constructed needs to be designed first. Structural Engineering deals with the analysis and design aspects, the basic purpose of which is to ensure a safe, functional and economical structure. While designing, the designer constantly interacts with specialists like architects, operational managers, etc. Once the design is finalized, the implementation takes involvement of people to handle aspects like statutory approvals, planning, quality assurance, material procurement, etc. The entire exercise can be undertaken in a highly coordinated way if everyone involved understands the `project language`, which is a combination of designs and specifications. To understand the language fully, it is necessary to appreciate the principles of structural analysis and design and a course on this topic comes in handy here. Participants of this workshop will gain a basic knowledge of structural engineering that includes principles of analysis of structures and their application, behavior of materials under loading, selection of construction materials and design fundamentals for RCC and steel structures.

The emphasis has been kept on the determination of nature and quantum of stress Developed under loads and the way structures offer resistance to it. Being the most widely used construction materials, RCC and steel has been covered in detail though masonry and timber have also been described briefly.

Course Objective 

  • Fully understand the role of the structural engineer
  • Comprehend the behavior of structural members under loading
  • Understand the concept of stress functions like tension, Compression, shear and bending
  • Use the basic concepts for analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures
  • Analyze deformation of members under loading
  • Understand the significance of material properties in design
  • Undertake basic design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures
  • Undertake basic design of Steel Structures
  • Undertake basic design of Masonry & Timber Structural Members

Who Should Attend?

  • Building Inspectors
  • Project Managers
  • Construction Supervisors
  • Municipal Officials
  • Architects
  • Quantity Surveyors
  • Insurance Surveyors
  • Concrete Technologists
  • Reinforcement Detailers
  • Structural Fabricators
  • Building Maintenance Personnel
  • Structural Rehabilitation Staff
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Results --->  57 Of Courses

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-03-31 2025-04-04
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Marbella (Spain) Marbella-(Spain)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-03-31 2025-04-04
Online 1750 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of ONLINE ONLINE

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-04-14 2025-04-18
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Cyprus (Larnaka) Cyprus-(Larnaka)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-04-14 2025-04-18
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Tbilisi (Georgia) Tbilisi-(Georgia)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-04-21 2025-04-25
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of London (UK) London-(UK)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-04-21 2025-04-25
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Barcelona (Spain) Barcelona-(Spain)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-04-21 2025-04-25
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Prague (Czech Republic) Prague-(Czech-Republic)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-04-28 2025-05-02
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku-(Azerbaijan)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-05-04 2025-05-08
Class Room 2950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Hurghada (Egypt) Hurghada-(Egypt)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-05-05 2025-05-09
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Vienna (Austria) Vienna-(Austria)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-05-12 2025-05-16
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Madrid (Spain) Madrid-(Spain)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-05-19 2025-05-23
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Auckland (New Zealand) Auckland-(New-Zealand)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-05-26 2025-05-30
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of DUBAI (UAE) DUBAI-(UAE)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-05-26 2025-05-30
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Hong Kong Hong-Kong

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-06-02 2025-06-06
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Rome (Italy) Rome-(Italy)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-06-09 2025-06-13
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Zagreb (Croatia) Zagreb-(Croatia)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-06-16 2025-06-20
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Frankfurt (Germany) Frankfurt-(Germany)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-06-23 2025-06-27
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Berlin (Germany) Berlin-(Germany)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-07-14 2025-07-18
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Florence (Italy) Florence-(Italy)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-07-14 2025-07-18
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Tunisia Tunisia

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-07-20 2025-07-24
Class Room 2550 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Beirut (Lebanon) Beirut-(Lebanon)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-07-21 2025-07-25
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Paris (France) Paris-(France)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-07-27 2025-07-31
Class Room 2950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Sharm ElShaikh (Egypt) Sharm-ElShaikh-(Egypt)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-08-11 2025-08-15
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Malaga (Spain) Malaga-(Spain)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-08-18 2025-08-22
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of DUBAI (UAE) DUBAI-(UAE)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-08-18 2025-08-22
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Copenhagen (Denmark) Copenhagen-(Denmark)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-08-25 2025-08-29
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Amsterdam-(Netherlands)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-08-31 2025-09-04
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Muscat (Oman) Muscat-(Oman)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-09-08 2025-09-12
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg-(Germany)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-09-15 2025-09-19
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Budapest (Hungary) Budapest-(Hungary)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-09-22 2025-09-26
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Bucharest (Romania) Bucharest-(Romania)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-09-28 2025-10-02
Class Room 2950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Amman (Jordan) Amman-(Jordan)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-09-28 2025-10-02
Class Room 2950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Manama (Bahrain) Manama-(Bahrain)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-10-06 2025-10-10
Class Room 2950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul-(Turkey)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-10-06 2025-10-10
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Dublin (Ireland) Dublin-(Ireland)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-10-12 2025-10-16
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Marrakesh (Morocco) Marrakesh-(Morocco)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-10-13 2025-10-17
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Singapore (Singapore) Singapore-(Singapore)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-11-10 2025-11-14
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Milan (Italy) Milan-(Italy)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-11-10 2025-11-14
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Singapore (Singapore) Singapore-(Singapore)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-11-16 2025-11-20
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Casablanca (Morocco) Casablanca-(Morocco)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-11-24 2025-11-28
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Zurich (Switzerland) Zurich-(Switzerland)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-11-30 2025-12-04
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Doha (Qatar) Doha-(Qatar)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-12-01 2025-12-05
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Yerevan (Armenia) Yerevan-(Armenia)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-12-07 2025-12-11
Class Room 2550 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Cairo (Egypt) Cairo-(Egypt)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-12-08 2025-12-12
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Athens (Greece) Athens-(Greece)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2025-12-22 2025-12-26
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Singapore (Singapore) Singapore-(Singapore)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-01-05 2026-01-09
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Beijing (China) Beijing-(China)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-01-05 2026-01-09
Class Room 4450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Trabzon (Turkey) Trabzon-(Turkey)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-01-12 2026-01-16
Class Room 4450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala-Lumpur-(Malaysia)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-01-12 2026-01-16
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Munich (Germany) Munich-(Germany)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-01-19 2026-01-23
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta-(Indonesia)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-02-01 2026-02-05
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Kuwait (Kuwait) Kuwait-(Kuwait)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-02-02 2026-02-06
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Beijing (China) Beijing-(China)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-02-23 2026-02-27
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholm-(Sweden)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-02-23 2026-02-27
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok-(Thailand)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-02-23 2026-02-27
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Warsaw (Poland) Warsaw-(Poland)

Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers

2026-03-09 2026-03-13
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Structural Design For Non Structural Engineers held in in the city of Geneva (Switzerland) Geneva-(Switzerland)

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Scandinavian Academy for Training and Development AB

Training services provider in the Kingdom of Sweden
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