Training Center
Training Course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

Course: Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Course: Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises


Leadership Training Courses


Language English


Milan (Italy)


Hotel Meeting


Two weeks 50Hour
2025-08-04 2025-08-15


8950 €
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The Course

This highly participative seminar will help you to develop your leadership skills to lead others in times of crisis, pressure and stress. You will obtain the latest insights into what makes a leader able to manage themselves and others during times of crisis. The best way of dealing with a crisis is to avoid one in the first place. But if crises are inevitable due to a growing number of factors then your organization needs to identify their vulnerabilities and map out possible crisis scenarios. By applying these skills to the tasks and challenges you face in your work, you will begin to experience breakthroughs you never thought possible.

The Structure

Module 1 - Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure & Stress

Module 2 - Strategic Crisis Management

The Goals

This seminar aims to enable participants to achieve the following objectives:

  • Build and develop leadership skills for handling stress, pressure and crisis.
  • Become familiar with how the different personality styles respond to stress and pressure and identify your personal style in coping with stress.
  • Learn how to lead others during times of crisis.
  • Acquire an in-depth knowledge of the key aspects of Strategic Crisis Management.
  • Learn how to generate ownership and responsibility by all stakeholders to ensure your organization responds efficiently and effectively.

The Process

Participative lectures will involve the use of slides, handout material, work manual with all instructor notes and slides, examples of best practice and appropriate video/DVD material. The use of flip-charts, syndicate work-shops and reporting back sessions will encourage a fully participative and enjoyable event. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating the principles of stress, pressure and crisis management to the particular needs of their workplace.

The Benefits

  • Understand and better appreciate the importance of managing stress and pressure.
  • Learn how to cultivate a positive mindset for in times of crisis.
  • Understand the anatomy of a crisis and what should be in place before, during and after an event.

The Results

  • Discover how to handle crisis in the organization.
  • Implement creative leadership for leading others in times of stress.
  • Guidelines on how to validate plans, to improve staff ownership, to augment training programmes and to raise awareness.

The Core Competencies

Participants will develop the following competencies:

  • Implement leadership skills to manage crisis with confidence
  • Use effective communication to lead others during times of great pressure
  • Help your team find creative solutions to workplace difficulties & challenges
  • Enhance your leadership skills and improve your abilities to cope with stress
  • Identify what is a crisis
  • Develop and implement contingency plans for crisis management
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Results --->  56 Of Courses

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 8950 €
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2025-04-14 2025-04-25
Class Room 8450 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-04-14 2025-04-25
Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-04-28 2025-05-09
Class Room 8450 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Bucharest (Romania) Bucharest-(Romania)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-04-28 2025-05-09
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg-(Germany)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-05-05 2025-05-16
Class Room 8450 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Warsaw (Poland) Warsaw-(Poland)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-06-08 2025-06-19
Class Room 5950 €
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Class Room 5950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-06-23 2025-07-04
Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-06-23 2025-07-04
Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-07-13 2025-07-24
Class Room 5950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-07-14 2025-07-25
Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 5950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-08-04 2025-08-15
Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-08-11 2025-08-22
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Dublin (Ireland) Dublin-(Ireland)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 4450 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-09-15 2025-09-26
Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 5450 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 5950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 5950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 5450 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

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Class Room 4950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-11-10 2025-11-21
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok-(Thailand)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-11-16 2025-11-27
Class Room 6450 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-11-17 2025-11-28
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Frankfurt (Germany) Frankfurt-(Germany)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-11-24 2025-12-05
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Hong Kong Hong-Kong

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-11-30 2025-12-11
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Amman (Jordan) Amman-(Jordan)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-12-01 2025-12-12
Class Room 7950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Zagreb (Croatia) Zagreb-(Croatia)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-12-08 2025-12-19
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Barcelona (Spain) Barcelona-(Spain)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-12-15 2025-12-26
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of DUBAI (UAE) DUBAI-(UAE)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-12-15 2025-12-26
Class Room 7950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku-(Azerbaijan)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2025-12-29 2026-01-09
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul-(Turkey)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-01-11 2026-01-22
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Cairo (Egypt) Cairo-(Egypt)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-01-12 2026-01-23
Class Room 8950 €
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Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-01-12 2026-01-23
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Munich (Germany) Munich-(Germany)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-01-19 2026-01-30
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Zurich (Switzerland) Zurich-(Switzerland)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-02-02 2026-02-13
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Athens (Greece) Athens-(Greece)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-02-02 2026-02-13
Class Room 7450 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Trabzon (Turkey) Trabzon-(Turkey)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-02-02 2026-02-13
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Brussels (Belgium) Brussels-(Belgium)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-02-23 2026-03-06
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Geneva (Switzerland) Geneva-(Switzerland)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-02-23 2026-03-06
Class Room 7950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Tbilisi (Georgia) Tbilisi-(Georgia)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-02-23 2026-03-06
Class Room 7950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Yerevan (Armenia) Yerevan-(Armenia)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-03-02 2026-03-13
Class Room 8450 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Bucharest (Romania) Bucharest-(Romania)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-03-02 2026-03-13
Class Room 6950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta-(Indonesia)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-03-09 2026-03-20
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of London (UK) London-(UK)

Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises

2026-03-09 2026-03-20
Class Room 7450 €
training course in Leading Under Pressure: Managing Organisational & Personal Crises held in in the city of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala-Lumpur-(Malaysia)

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