Training Center
Training Course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

Course: Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

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Course: Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA


Petroleum, Oil & Gas Training Courses


Language English


Madrid (Spain)


Hotel Meeting Room


One week 25Hour
2025-05-19 2025-05-23


5950 €
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This programme will provide the participants with an integrated view of the hydrocarbon production and related facilities during the life of the reservoir. It will present an overview/fundamental understanding of the wide range of oilfield production handling and treatment equipment. With this view and tools and knowledge on the properties and flow of the fluids provided in this training session, the participant will be able to understand the behavior of the fluids from the reservoir up to end users. The training gives strong emphasis of the calculation of reserves, fluids properties from reservoir through gathering network. This knowledge is necessary for the surface facility engineer to design or operate the equipments and facilities.


  • Familiarize the participants with global oil & gas related statistics, such as reserves, production, consumption and exports
  • Familiarize the participants with both upstream, middle stream and downstream operations and related facilities
  • Familiarize the participants with various methods and techniques used to explore, drill, produce, treat and transport oil, gas and their products
  • Understand the oil & gas operations of various field facilities from wellhead, flow lines, separators, tanks, pumps and compressors, pipelines, gas treatment and processing, refinery operations, etc
  • Understand the basic concept with regards to evaluating oil & gas reserves, artificial lift and enhancing recovery
  • Understand the challenge associated with this industry such as offshore operations, horizontal drilling and other safety concerns
  • Get a general feel for petroleum economics and risk analysis


The programme will include a number of exercises aimed at enhancing each participant capability to conduct various petroleum engineering problems. A number of short films will be presented during the training session to enhance the participants` knowledge about the petroleum field operations.

Additionally, the programme assumes no or limited prior knowledge of the topics covered in this training session. New concepts and tools are introduced gradually to enable delegates to progress from the fundamental to the advanced concepts of oil & gas operation processes.

The delegates will gain an improved knowledge about various aspects of the oil & gas production operations. These include production of gas and oil, and surface processing units and operations such as artificial Lift and pressure maintenance operations. Issues related to mid-stream and down-stream will be discussed as well, including recent developments.


This programme will provide an insight into the oil & gas field operation processes and the role of production engineering. It will explain the important concepts in reservoir and well drilling and intervention, productivity optimisation, verious recovery mechanisms, as well as covering various operational issues. Core Competencies are:

  • Gain an overall knowledge of various hydrcarbon production processes from the time a reservoir is discovered to end users

  • Understand the role of the petroleum/reservoir engineer in optemizing recovery
  • Gain sufficient knowledge of various surface and sub-surface equipments and processing facilities used in a typical oil & gas field
  • Gain sufficient knowledge about health, safety and enviromnmental issues
  • Understand the role of petroleum economiucs in evaluating field development projects
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Results --->  54 Of Courses

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-03-24 2025-03-28
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala-Lumpur-(Malaysia)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-03-24 2025-03-28
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Dublin (Ireland) Dublin-(Ireland)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-03-24 2025-03-28
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of DUBAI (UAE) DUBAI-(UAE)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-03-31 2025-04-04
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Zagreb (Croatia) Zagreb-(Croatia)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-04-14 2025-04-18
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg-(Germany)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-04-14 2025-04-18
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Marbella (Spain) Marbella-(Spain)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-04-21 2025-04-25
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Hong Kong Hong-Kong

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-04-28 2025-05-02
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Athens (Greece) Athens-(Greece)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-04-28 2025-05-02
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Zurich (Switzerland) Zurich-(Switzerland)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-05-19 2025-05-23
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Berlin (Germany) Berlin-(Germany)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-05-19 2025-05-23
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Madrid (Spain) Madrid-(Spain)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-05-19 2025-05-23
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Yerevan (Armenia) Yerevan-(Armenia)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-06-02 2025-06-06
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Brussels (Belgium) Brussels-(Belgium)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-06-30 2025-07-04
Class Room 4450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta-(Indonesia)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-07-06 2025-07-10
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Hurghada (Egypt) Hurghada-(Egypt)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-07-07 2025-07-11
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Barcelona (Spain) Barcelona-(Spain)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-07-07 2025-07-11
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Malaga (Spain) Malaga-(Spain)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-07-13 2025-07-17
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Amman (Jordan) Amman-(Jordan)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-07-14 2025-07-18
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Geneva (Switzerland) Geneva-(Switzerland)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-07-14 2025-07-18
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Auckland (New Zealand) Auckland-(New-Zealand)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-07-20 2025-07-24
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Marrakesh (Morocco) Marrakesh-(Morocco)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-07-21 2025-07-25
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Trabzon (Turkey) Trabzon-(Turkey)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-07-21 2025-07-25
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Vienna (Austria) Vienna-(Austria)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-08-03 2025-08-07
Class Room 3050 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Cairo (Egypt) Cairo-(Egypt)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-08-11 2025-08-15
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Prague (Czech Republic) Prague-(Czech-Republic)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-08-24 2025-08-28
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Doha (Qatar) Doha-(Qatar)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-08-25 2025-08-29
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul-(Turkey)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-08-25 2025-08-29
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Cyprus (Larnaka) Cyprus-(Larnaka)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-09-08 2025-09-12
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Frankfurt (Germany) Frankfurt-(Germany)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-09-15 2025-09-19
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of DUBAI (UAE) DUBAI-(UAE)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-09-22 2025-09-26
Class Room 7450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of New York (US) New-York-(US)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-10-12 2025-10-16
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Kuwait (Kuwait) Kuwait-(Kuwait)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-10-13 2025-10-17
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala-Lumpur-(Malaysia)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-10-19 2025-10-23
Class Room 3050 €
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Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-11-17 2025-11-21
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholm-(Sweden)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-12-08 2025-12-12
Class Room 5450 €
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Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-12-08 2025-12-12
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Copenhagen (Denmark) Copenhagen-(Denmark)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-12-15 2025-12-19
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Rome (Italy) Rome-(Italy)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2025-12-21 2025-12-25
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Sharm ElShaikh (Egypt) Sharm-ElShaikh-(Egypt)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-01-05 2026-01-09
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Tunisia Tunisia

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-01-12 2026-01-16
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Florence (Italy) Florence-(Italy)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-01-18 2026-01-22
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Manama (Bahrain) Manama-(Bahrain)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-01-19 2026-01-23
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku-(Azerbaijan)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-01-25 2026-01-29
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Casablanca (Morocco) Casablanca-(Morocco)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-01-26 2026-01-30
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Amsterdam-(Netherlands)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-01-26 2026-01-30
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Munich (Germany) Munich-(Germany)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-01-26 2026-01-30
Online 2250 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of ONLINE ONLINE

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-01-26 2026-01-30
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Warsaw (Poland) Warsaw-(Poland)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-02-09 2026-02-13
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Tbilisi (Georgia) Tbilisi-(Georgia)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-02-23 2026-02-27
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Bucharest (Romania) Bucharest-(Romania)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-02-23 2026-02-27
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok-(Thailand)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-02-23 2026-02-27
Class Room 6450 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Singapore (Singapore) Singapore-(Singapore)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-03-01 2026-03-05
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of Muscat (Oman) Muscat-(Oman)

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

2026-03-02 2026-03-06
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA held in in the city of London (UK) London-(UK)

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Training services provider in the Kingdom of Sweden
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