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Training Course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

Course: Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

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Course: Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA


Petroleum, Oil & Gas Training Courses


Language English


Milan (Italy)


Hotel Meeting


One week 25Hour
2025-06-16 2025-06-20


5950 €
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An Oil and Gas production laboratory is a vital component in maintaining control of field operations. It is important that managers; technicians; chemists and others have a good understanding of the abilities and limitations of a field laboratory so that they can better use the laboratory and its staff to control and optimise the oilfield process.

A production laboratory contributes to the operation in the following ways:

  • Measurement and reporting of vital data
  • Compliance with legislative criteria
  • Provides early warning of potential plant problems
  • Control and optimisation of the injection of oilfield chemicals
  • First line analysis and identification of unknown substances / deposits
  • Determination of product quality and fiscal measurements

This programme will explain to delegates:

  • What happens within an oil and gas field laboratory and why this is important to a successful oilfield operation
  • How to efficiently run such a laboratory
  • How to produce accurate and reliable results
  • How the laboratory contributes to the safe and efficient operation of plant and equipment
  • How to calculate chemical injection rates
  • Fiscal responsibilities during custody transfer
  • Laboratory Quality Management
  • How to use the laboratory for problem solving


  • To better understand the function, importance and operation of oil and gas laboratories
  • To understand how to optimise the day to day operation of the oil and gas laboratory
  • To gain an insight into how Quality Management is important within and Oil and Gas Laboratory
  • To understand how the results obtained from the laboratory can enhance the operation of the process system and contribute to the integrity of plant and equipment
  • To understand how process chemicals function and how to utilise them effectively
  • To understand how metering systems operate and how laboratory data contributes to accurate metering and tanker loading (custody transfer).


This is carried out by a series of lectures supported by comprehensive notes; delegates are encouraged to ask questions and participate in the sessions leading to an informal learning environment


This programme covers the essential aspects of the day-to-day operation of oil and gas laboratories, how the laboratory is used as a tool to facilitate optimisation of the process plant, control of environmental emissions, plant and equipment integrity and for product quality control.

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Results --->  58 Of Courses

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-03-31 2025-04-04
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Prague (Czech Republic) Prague-(Czech-Republic)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-03-31 2025-04-04
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Zurich (Switzerland) Zurich-(Switzerland)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-04-07 2025-04-11
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Brussels (Belgium) Brussels-(Belgium)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-04-07 2025-04-11
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Bucharest (Romania) Bucharest-(Romania)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-04-07 2025-04-11
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Malaga (Spain) Malaga-(Spain)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-04-28 2025-05-02
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Marbella (Spain) Marbella-(Spain)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-04-28 2025-05-02
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Dublin (Ireland) Dublin-(Ireland)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-05-04 2025-05-08
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Marrakesh (Morocco) Marrakesh-(Morocco)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-05-05 2025-05-09
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Munich (Germany) Munich-(Germany)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-05-05 2025-05-09
Class Room 6450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Singapore (Singapore) Singapore-(Singapore)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-05-19 2025-05-23
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Zagreb (Croatia) Zagreb-(Croatia)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-05-25 2025-05-29
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Hurghada (Egypt) Hurghada-(Egypt)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-06-02 2025-06-06
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of London (UK) London-(UK)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-06-09 2025-06-13
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Geneva (Switzerland) Geneva-(Switzerland)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-06-16 2025-06-20
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Milan (Italy) Milan-(Italy)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-06-23 2025-06-27
Online 2250 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of ONLINE ONLINE

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-06-30 2025-07-04
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Auckland (New Zealand) Auckland-(New-Zealand)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-07-14 2025-07-18
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Amsterdam-(Netherlands)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-07-21 2025-07-25
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Rome (Italy) Rome-(Italy)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-07-21 2025-07-25
Class Room 4450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta-(Indonesia)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-07-28 2025-08-01
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of DUBAI (UAE) DUBAI-(UAE)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-07-28 2025-08-01
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Barcelona (Spain) Barcelona-(Spain)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-07-28 2025-08-01
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Athens (Greece) Athens-(Greece)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-08-03 2025-08-07
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Doha (Qatar) Doha-(Qatar)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-08-04 2025-08-08
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala-Lumpur-(Malaysia)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-08-18 2025-08-22
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Tunisia Tunisia

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-08-25 2025-08-29
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Florence (Italy) Florence-(Italy)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-08-31 2025-09-04
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Muscat (Oman) Muscat-(Oman)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-09-08 2025-09-12
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Madrid (Spain) Madrid-(Spain)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-09-22 2025-09-26
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Berlin (Germany) Berlin-(Germany)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-09-28 2025-10-02
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Manama (Bahrain) Manama-(Bahrain)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-09-29 2025-10-03
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of DUBAI (UAE) DUBAI-(UAE)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-09-29 2025-10-03
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Copenhagen (Denmark) Copenhagen-(Denmark)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-09-29 2025-10-03
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Auckland (New Zealand) Auckland-(New-Zealand)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-10-05 2025-10-09
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Sharm ElShaikh (Egypt) Sharm-ElShaikh-(Egypt)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-10-06 2025-10-10
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Trabzon (Turkey) Trabzon-(Turkey)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-10-06 2025-10-10
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Frankfurt (Germany) Frankfurt-(Germany)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-10-13 2025-10-17
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Tbilisi (Georgia) Tbilisi-(Georgia)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-10-20 2025-10-24
Class Room 7450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of New York (US) New-York-(US)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-10-20 2025-10-24
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Warsaw (Poland) Warsaw-(Poland)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-11-02 2025-11-06
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Kuwait (Kuwait) Kuwait-(Kuwait)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-11-09 2025-11-13
Class Room 3050 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Cairo (Egypt) Cairo-(Egypt)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-11-23 2025-11-27
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Amman (Jordan) Amman-(Jordan)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-11-24 2025-11-28
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Budapest (Hungary) Budapest-(Hungary)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-11-24 2025-11-28
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Hong Kong Hong-Kong

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-11-30 2025-12-04
Class Room 3050 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Beirut (Lebanon) Beirut-(Lebanon)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-12-07 2025-12-11
Class Room 3950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Casablanca (Morocco) Casablanca-(Morocco)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2025-12-29 2026-01-02
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Paris (France) Paris-(France)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-01-05 2026-01-09
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Budapest (Hungary) Budapest-(Hungary)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-01-12 2026-01-16
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholm-(Sweden)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-01-12 2026-01-16
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku-(Azerbaijan)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-01-26 2026-01-30
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok-(Thailand)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-01-26 2026-01-30
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Yerevan (Armenia) Yerevan-(Armenia)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-02-23 2026-02-27
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg-(Germany)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-03-02 2026-03-06
Class Room 3450 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul-(Turkey)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-03-02 2026-03-06
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Vienna (Austria) Vienna-(Austria)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-03-02 2026-03-06
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Cyprus (Larnaka) Cyprus-(Larnaka)

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

2026-03-09 2026-03-13
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA held in in the city of Paris (France) Paris-(France)

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Scandinavian Academy for Training and Development AB

Training services provider in the Kingdom of Sweden
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