Training Center
Training Course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

Course: Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

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Course: Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills


Energy, Electrical Engineering Training Courses


Language English




Hotel Meeting Room


Two weeks 50Hour
2025-06-02 2025-06-13


6450 €
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The increased loading of power system transmission lines and equipment is resulting in operation closer to the stability limits of the system. As a result, there is increasing concern over the secure operation of power systems all over the world.This course will provide a comprehensive overview of fundamental concepts on voltage stability, such as the significance of reactive power management and voltage control. Modelling and analysis techniques to identify potential voltage stability problems and solutions during the planning, design, and operation of power systems will also be presented. The course will also cover in detail various technologies available today to prevent voltage stability on power systems, including static var compensators and inverter-based dynamic compensators. Case studies of actual voltage instability problems and equipment solutions will also be presented. The impact of wind generation on system voltage stability, interconnect requirements, reactive power and voltage control equipment solutions will also be covered.


At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understanding power system stability problems and their classification.
  • Understanding modeling requirements of power system equipment for different studies.
  • Understanding causes of instability and methods of analysis and enhancement of different power system small and large disturbance rotor angle stability phenomena.
  • Understanding different methods and techniques of power system stability controls and their limitations.
  • Using computer packages for analysis of power system stability problems.
  • identify the components of effective communication
  • identify the most important theories of communication
  • To improve my skills of listening and speaking
  • Acquire the skill of intimacy and influence people
  • Having a number of techniques that enable him to correct the communication errors
  • Enable participants to write good management and avoid common mistakes
  • The use of persuasive processes in contact with others
  • Acquire the skill of presentation effective and efficient

Who should attend

  • Project Managers , Electric utility transmission and distribution engineers, consultants, and other personnel involved in transmission system planning, design, and operation.​
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Results --->  54 Of Courses

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-03-31 2025-04-11
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Copenhagen (Denmark) Copenhagen-(Denmark)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-03-31 2025-04-11
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Bucharest (Romania) Bucharest-(Romania)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-04-07 2025-04-18
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Hong Kong Hong-Kong

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-04-07 2025-04-18
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg-(Germany)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-04-14 2025-04-25
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Milan (Italy) Milan-(Italy)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

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Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Zurich (Switzerland) Zurich-(Switzerland)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

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Class Room 8450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Yerevan (Armenia) Yerevan-(Armenia)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

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Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Barcelona (Spain) Barcelona-(Spain)

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Class Room 7950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Trabzon (Turkey) Trabzon-(Turkey)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-04-28 2025-05-09
Class Room 8450 €
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Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-05-12 2025-05-23
Class Room 7450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta-(Indonesia)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-06-02 2025-06-13
Class Room 6450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Tunisia Tunisia

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-06-09 2025-06-20
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Athens (Greece) Athens-(Greece)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-06-09 2025-06-20
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Hong Kong Hong-Kong

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-06-23 2025-07-04
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Geneva (Switzerland) Geneva-(Switzerland)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-06-23 2025-07-04
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Madrid (Spain) Madrid-(Spain)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-06-23 2025-07-04
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Marbella (Spain) Marbella-(Spain)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-06-30 2025-07-11
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Frankfurt (Germany) Frankfurt-(Germany)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-07-07 2025-07-18
Class Room 8450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Zagreb (Croatia) Zagreb-(Croatia)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-07-14 2025-07-25
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Rome (Italy) Rome-(Italy)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-07-20 2025-07-31
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Amman (Jordan) Amman-(Jordan)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-07-28 2025-08-08
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of London (UK) London-(UK)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-07-28 2025-08-08
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Paris (France) Paris-(France)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-08-11 2025-08-22
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Copenhagen (Denmark) Copenhagen-(Denmark)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-08-18 2025-08-29
Class Room 6450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of DUBAI (UAE) DUBAI-(UAE)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-08-25 2025-09-05
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Munich (Germany) Munich-(Germany)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-08-31 2025-09-11
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Sharm ElShaikh (Egypt) Sharm-ElShaikh-(Egypt)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-09-01 2025-09-12
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Berlin (Germany) Berlin-(Germany)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-09-21 2025-10-02
Class Room 6450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Muscat (Oman) Muscat-(Oman)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-09-22 2025-10-03
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Warsaw (Poland) Warsaw-(Poland)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-09-28 2025-10-09
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Cairo (Egypt) Cairo-(Egypt)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-09-28 2025-10-09
Class Room 4950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Beirut (Lebanon) Beirut-(Lebanon)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-10-06 2025-10-17
Class Room 5950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul-(Turkey)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-10-06 2025-10-17
Online 3950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of ONLINE ONLINE

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-10-20 2025-10-31
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Amsterdam-(Netherlands)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-11-02 2025-11-13
Class Room 5450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Manama (Bahrain) Manama-(Bahrain)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-11-03 2025-11-14
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Budapest (Hungary) Budapest-(Hungary)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-11-10 2025-11-21
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholm-(Sweden)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-11-17 2025-11-28
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Cyprus (Larnaka) Cyprus-(Larnaka)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-11-24 2025-12-05
Class Room 8950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Budapest (Hungary) Budapest-(Hungary)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-11-24 2025-12-05
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Brussels (Belgium) Brussels-(Belgium)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-11-24 2025-12-05
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Vienna (Austria) Vienna-(Austria)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-11-30 2025-12-11
Class Room 6450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Casablanca (Morocco) Casablanca-(Morocco)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-12-01 2025-12-12
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Dublin (Ireland) Dublin-(Ireland)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2025-12-22 2026-01-02
Class Room 8450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku-(Azerbaijan)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2026-01-12 2026-01-23
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok-(Thailand)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2026-01-19 2026-01-30
Class Room 7950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala-Lumpur-(Malaysia)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2026-01-26 2026-02-06
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Prague (Czech Republic) Prague-(Czech-Republic)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2026-02-02 2026-02-13
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Florence (Italy) Florence-(Italy)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2026-02-02 2026-02-13
Class Room 6450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of DUBAI (UAE) DUBAI-(UAE)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2026-02-08 2026-02-19
Class Room 6450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Marrakesh (Morocco) Marrakesh-(Morocco)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2026-02-09 2026-02-20
Class Room 9450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Athens (Greece) Athens-(Greece)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2026-02-22 2026-03-05
Class Room 6950 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Doha (Qatar) Doha-(Qatar)

Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills

2026-03-01 2026-03-12
Class Room 6450 €
training course in Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills held in in the city of Kuwait (Kuwait) Kuwait-(Kuwait)

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